Join Smart Savers California!
Enroll in Smart Savers California to receive $50 per thermostat. Plus, you’ll earn a chance to win a free year of electricity (up to $5,000) for participating.
- Participants agree to brief, limited events which adjust their thermostats during peak electric demand periods year-round on weekdays and weekends. You can anticipate at least one event, and a maximum of up to 20 adjustments per season. The summer season begins in April, and the winter season begins in November. Peak demand periods typically occur on particularly hot afternoons, or particularly cold mornings or nights.
Participants will receive a $50 per device after being accepted into the program and a chance to win $5,000 for enrolling, and for each time they participate in a temperature adjustment event, by being automatically entered into the “Win $5,000” sweepstakes