Strava Connect What an incredible few weeks it’s been here at Competitive.
When we came up with the idea to pay you a dollar an hour to ride your bike through our partnership with Strava, it was pure, it was simple and it represented everything we stand for. Apparently you liked it too, because you signed up by the tens of thousands and told everyone you knew. We had expectations and you blew them out of the water.
Because of this we’ve had to pause new sign-ups, and we must stop issuing new credits beginning tomorrow, April 21st. We’re already hard at work on a revised program that can support many, many more people. We will update you with the details of this revised program on May 19th.
If you have earned money, it’s yours to keep and we encourage you to put it towards something great. Those credits will expire on May 31st at 11:59 pm MST.
Because you’ve already connected, when the program resumes, you’ll be ready to roll. We won’t do anything with your data and we’ll maintain the privacy policy we’ve always held.
Enjoy the ride and we’ll speak soon.