Hole In The Wall



= 差別をなくす。


And this is how Charles M. Schulz integrated his comic strip, “Peanuts,” on July 31, 1968.

ピーナッツに黒人キャラクター、"Franklin"が初登場して今年で50周年なんだそう。それを記念してサンタローザのCharles M. Schultz博物館で“50 Years of Franklin”という展示がなされるそうだけど、

Linus got the blanket, Lucy’s a bitch, Schroeder plays the piano, Peppermint Patty’s a lesbian,” Mr. Rock said. “Everybody got their thing except Franklin! Give him something! Damn, give him a Jamaican accent!” 

 Chris RockがFranklinを指して、もっと特徴つけるべきだ!とSNLで言ったそうだけど、それには理由がある。そもそもこのキャラクター登場の理由が、

Dr. King’s assassination, on April 4, 1968, played a direct role in Franklin’s creation.


This cautious approach would serve the dual purpose of not burdening Mr. Schulz and “Peanuts” with the duty of making a Major Social Statement and presenting friendship between black and white children as utterly normal. 


“I remember feeling affirmed by seeing Franklin in ‘Peanuts.’ ‘There’s a little black kid! Thank goodness! We do matter.’” 
