ジョージ・タケイの体験を元にしたJapanese Internmentがテーマのブロードウェイ・ミュージカル、"Allegiance"。前にオリジナル(のフィルムを上映)を観たことがあるけど、
Palo Alto Players is now bringing the musical to the Peninsula. "Allegiance" runs April 22 through May 8 at the Lucie Stern Theatre.
"Allegiance" tells the story of the Kimura family, who after Pearl Harbor, are forced from their Salinas home, along with about 120,000 other Japanese Americans, to live in camps in remote areas of the United States.
'Allegiance' explores a story of family, community and conviction | News | Palo Alto Online |
ちなみに上の写真はサンノゼのJapanese American Museumにある再現バラックで撮影したものらしい。