Hole In The Wall



これ、日本だと例えばパン屋でイートインスペースがある、とか書いてあるけど、自分の周りではまず聞かない。大体"dine in"だよなぁと思って調べた。一番しっくり来る説明が、


In American usage, there are four terms:

Eat out means to eat outside of one's home, that is, at a restaurant.

Eat in is the opposite; it means to stay home to eat.

Dine in means to eat inside a restaurant. This is in contrast to...

Carry out, which means to get food from a restaurant but eat it elsewhere, most often back at home.

アメリカ英語だと、"eat out"が「外食する」で、"eat in"はその反対語で「自宅で食事」、"dine in"は「イート・イン」すること。まあでも"carry out"よりもっぱら"to-go"だな。


eat-in (not comparable)

  1. (of a kitchen) Designed for dining in as well as food preparation.
  2. (of a restaurant) Featuring seating to allow patrons to stay and eat their food on site.
  3. (of food) Eaten on the premises at which it is bought.

eat-in - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
