Hole In The Wall



前回の失敗のリベンジを試みるも…。とりあえずセモリナ粉が余ってるんで、それを消費すべく再びチャレンジ。100%には足りないので、Semolina 53%, Bread Flour 47%で。水分量その他はTartine No.3の本に載っている通りに従う。

前回の失敗を踏まえ、発酵はしっかり行った。ただオーブンの鍋に入れる時、ボトッとは落ちなかったけれど、にゅ〜っとU字型に鍋に落ちていくんで成型がやっぱり壊れるんだよなぁ。やっぱりLodgeのCombo Cookerにパーチメントペーパー作戦かな。


Flat bread again orz.


Better than the last, but not satisfied with the result


So, given the research and our plain semolina test loaves as proof, it seems that seeds or not, you are never going to achieve an open crumb when working with this grain in view of its roguish nature. It might work if one were inclined to used less semolina and more bread flour in the formula. But given that Tartine's loaves require 700 grams of semolina, try as you might, it is just not going to turn out that way.

Tartine Bread Experiment: Semolina, an education
