Hole In The Wall




おお、記事にこの前食べたManresa Breadのパネトーネが載ってるじゃないですか。パネトーネって毎年年末に食べるだけで、よく知らなかったんだけど、

Roy Shvartzapel, a baker in San Francisco, refers to the Italian bread as “the Mount Everest of baking.”

サンフランシスコのパン職人、Roy Shvartzapelによれば、「ベーキングのエベレスト」なんだそう。そんなに奥が深いのか。

Give it all that, and a panettone can still go wrong. Bakers from Los Gatos, Calif., to Pittsburgh say that’s exactly why they’re so obsessed with the high-maintenance dough: No bread is more difficult, or more rewarding, to get right. 


Jim Lahey started selling panettone at Sullivan Street Bakery, in New York, in 1996. This year’s batch is full of rum-plumped raisins and candied citron, or dark chocolate and dried sour cherries. “Panettone is this high art for the world of bread,” said Mr. Lahey, “because there’s an enormous amount of technique in making it.” 

Jim Laheyによれば「パン世界の至高の芸術」。関係ないけどJim Lahey、明日フェリービルディングでトークショウやるらしい。聴いてみたい気もするけどちと遠いw。

Jim Lahey, Sullivan Street Bakery

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2017 - 12:00PM TO 12:45PM

Stop by the CUESA Classroom for a cooking demo featuring the seasonal bounty of the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, followed by a book signing hosted by our friends at Book Passage.

CUESA | Market to Table Demo: Jim Lahey, Sullivan Street Bakery


Back then, Mr. Shvartzapel was still testing his theory that Americans would pay $50 for his panettone. (They would.)

“Outside of the United States, panettone is a multibillion-dollar market,” he said. “Why not here?”

パネトーネ市場、マルチビリオンドルの価値があるんだそう。すごいな。先のRoy Shvartzapelさんは$50で販売。いやでもこのクラムは素晴らしいな。


先日買ったManresa Breadのが結構したんだけどそれもうなずける。んでこのRoy Shvartzapelさん、La BoulangerieのPascal Rigoと組んでパネトーネ生産。メールオーダーの他にもうすぐWilliams Sonomaでも販売始めるらしい。


Avery Ruzicka, 33, who owns Manresa Bread in Los Gatos and Los Altos, is one of many American bakers who became intrigued by traditional panettone after trying Mr. Shvartzapel’s.

そのRoyさんのパネトーネを食べて取り憑かれてしまったのがManresa BreadのAvery女史。なのでパネトーネは今年初めて焼き始めたらしい。試行錯誤の様がありありと描かれている。

Ms. Ruzicka will ship a few hundred loaves of her panettone, flecked with dark chocolate and candied orange peel, via her bakery’s website, but only through December.

“It melts in your mouth and it’s suddenly gone,” she said. “And then you want to eat more.”
