サワードウのRob Dunn Labからまた楽しいお知らせ。
Join us for a series of short talks (20 minutes on average) about the culture, history and science behind the foods you have at home.
Fermentology Mini-Seminars | Applied Ecology | NC State University
April 16th: Wild Sourdough
April 23rd: Why Do People Care for Sourdough?
April 30th: The Evolutionary History of Bread and Beer Yeast
May 7th: The Fundamentals of Bread Baking Science
May 12th (Tuesday): Tasting Bread
May 14th: The Biology of the Bread That Bees Make
May 21st: On the Culture of Cheese
May 28th: The World’s Oldest Cheese and Yoghurt
June 4th: A Brief History of Sourdough
June 11th: Baking Yeasts of the Future: Where to Discover Them and What They Can Offer
June 18th: Fermentation in Ancient Mesopotamia, Beer, Bread and More Beer
June 25th: Microbial War and Peace in Cheese Rind Microbiomes
July 2nd: Fermenting for the Zombie Apocalypse
July 9th: The Evolution of Sour Taste in Hominids
July 16th: The Evolution of Fermentation by Primates
July 23rd: Novel Misos
August 20: The Sourdough Library
サワードウに、ビールに、チーズに、ヨーグルトに、oh my! 味噌まであるし😄